Stable identifiers
Herbarium # GJO 0041858
Collection # GJO 27176/2459
Stored under taxonname Cenchrus longifolius Hochst. ex Steud.   tropicos
Family Poaceae
Det./rev./conf./assigned orig.
Ident. history orig.: Cenchrus longifolius
Collector wikidata Index of Botanists (HUH) VIAF Bionomia Kotschy,Karl Georg Th. Iter nubicum (C. G. T. Kotschy) 190 (link to CETAF Botany Pilot) 
Date s.d.
Location Sudan
Label [Sudan]
Cordofan [Kurdufan], Arasch-Cool.
Annotations /further numbers on specimen: 1839; Ph 33
/former part of other collections: Herbarium Joannei Graecensis
/label: handwritten
/record created: 2008-06-14 by Holler Alessandro
/record last updated (before import to JACQ): 2009-10-20 by Holler Alessandro